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During this time of uncertainty we have seen our lives change dramatically. Art and creativity can help us to focus minds on more positive things as well as helping us to process the new situation we are all adapting to.

What is a Zine
 Zine is short for magazine and is a self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images, usually reproduced via photocopier. Zines are the product of either a single person or of a very small group, and are popularly photocopied into physical prints for circulation.

LOCKDOWN ZINE: Part of the project CV Walden project
There is a great deal that we can do to help future generations to understand the impact of Covid-19 . Saffron Walden Museum, in conjunction with Saffron Walden Tourist Information Centre is encouraging local people to submit their own experiences of this unprecedented crisis to form a community archive - The CV Walden Project 
You can find out more about the CV Walden Project here:

A great way to record your experiences is to create a ZINE! below is a tutorial and some ideas to get you started. Once you have made your ZINE you can share it on our social media channels, or contribute it to the CV Walden project by emailing photographs/scans to  or you can arrange with us to post them to Saffron Walden Museum.

How to make a ZINE.

The easiest way to make a zine is to create a concertina book, for this you will need:

  1. A long piece of paper, or shorter pieces and a glue stick/masking tape
  2. Ruler
 A concertina book is a book made from one ling sheet of paper, folded like a fan, to create the pages. To create your concertina book decide how big you want each page to be, whether you would like it land scape of portrait, and how many pages.

Once you have decided that you can calculate the size of paper you need by multiplying the width of each page by the number of pages.

So if you want 10 A5 portrait pages you would 14.8cm x 10 = 148cm. To create this size zine you would need to stick 6 sheets of A4 paper together in landscape orientation. 6 sheets would allow for a glue margin on each page. Alternatively if you have some lining paper or even wall paper at home that could work well too.

Once you have you long strip of paper, measure out your pages and fold them backwards and forwards like a fan.

Topics for your LOCKDOWN Zine

Next you need a topic for your Zine , this of course is entirely up to you! But just in case you need some ideas we've put some together for you:

  1. 10 reasons to be cheerful on lockdown
  2. Things to do during lockdown
  3. Things you miss while on lockdown
  4. 10 most surreal things about COVID19
  5. The last 10 days on lockdown
  6. Lockdown poem
  7. Lockdown story
  8. Lockdown meals
  9. Acts of kindness on lockdown
  10. Lockdown diary
  11. COVID 19 news stories
Once you have your topic, you can plan out your pages or just get stuck in!

A great way to make the zine is using collage using found material some good things to collect are:

  1. News papers
  2. Magazines
  3. Photographs
  4. leaflets
  5. Food packaging (if it is clean and safe to do so)
