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101 things to do on lock down

Here's an amazing 101 ideas of what to do on lockdown,  put together by our Collections Officer Jenny Oxley. We would love to here from you if you have done any of these - or if you would like us to do a tutorial for any of the activities!

Comment below to let us know!

  1. Weed the garden, order some seeds online, plant them and watch them grow.

  2. Have a Sunflower growing competition online with your friends and family – who can grow the tallest one?

  3. Fill balloons with water and have a water fight

  4. Lego building – Try out the 30-Day Lego Challenge

  5. Word-searches

  6. Dot to Dot puzzles

  7. Nature trail in your garden

  8. Make a bird feeder– watch the birds and wildlife using your garden, count them and find out more about them.

  9. Camp out in your back garden – stories by torchlight

  10. Build a den in your house with blankets and cushions

  11. Count vehicles you see from your window – count different types and colours.

  12. Lie on a blanket in the back garden and watch the clouds move and see what shapes they make.

  13. Have a go at yoga! - lots of themed kids yoga videos online…

  14. Setup a Treasure hunt

  15. Setup a Scavenger hunt

  16. Music making – use pots and pans or anything you can find for a singalong.

  17. Learn to play a musical instrument

  18. Have a go at a new type of dancing - lots of themed tutorial videos online…

  19. Indoor rave - put your favourite music on and have a bop around the kitchen!

  20. Learn British Sign Language or Makaton – online tutorials

  21. Jigsaw puzzles

  22. Play hangman – guess a TV Programme or book title…

  23. Karaoke online app

  24. Draw patterns based on items you find around the house or in your garden

  25. Layout a grid with masking tape on a garden path – then fill the sections in with different coloured chalk, then peel off the tape to reveal your design

  26. Baking & decorating biscuits or cupcakes

  27. YouTube classes cast to the TV e.g. Joe Wicks PE class

  28. Colouring books

  29. Sticker books

  30. Listen to Audio books

  31. Get the kids helping with chores – washing up, gardening, etc.

  32. Wash the car the old fashioned way with buckets and soap – great messy fun!

  33. Junk modelling! What can you invent?

  34. YouTube – lots of storytellers online

  35. Bike, scoot or roller skate around the block for some fresh air.

  36. Play games in your back garden like skipping and hopscotch

  37. Board games

  38. Computer games

  39. Sort out toy boxes and discover some old favourites to play with

  40. Painting – paint a rainbow to stick in your window

  41. Make homemade playdough – make something – then challenge your family to guess what it is!

  42. Dream up your own characters and write your own story

  43. Make some puppets (wooden spoons?) and a theatre (cardboard box? Plastic tub?) and stage your own performance

  44. Draw a cartoon

  45. Write your top 10 list of places to visit / things to do when lockdown is over J

  46. Create a collage from old magazines.

  47. Scrapbooking – pick a theme to research online or in books e.g. animals, space, dinosaurs, castles, etc. and then create a scrapbook about it with drawings and notes.

  48. Write a diary or journal about your time at home – decorate the pages with pictures.

  49. Ask OK Google questions to find out some facts e.g. what’s the fastest animal in the world – write about what you find out

  50. Play about with the 3D animal projections on Google Chrome. It’s great having a lion in your kitchen!

  51. Pick some flowers in your garden and press them in a scrapbook – research them online.

  52. Read books

  53. Have a floor picnic with your family and your teddies

  54. Make some slimy goo

  55. Wear your onesie and watch a film – make some popcorn?

  56. Take photos around your house, focussing on different colours, patterns and textures – play about with the zoom function and see if your family can guess what the items you have photographed are.

  57. Have a running race with your family

  58. Have a dance battle – who can do the funniest/coolest move!

  59. Facetime/Skype family and friends you can’t visit at the moment

  60. Shadow puppets

  61. Make homemade face masks – pretend you’re having Spa Day

  62. Sketching

  63. Make pom-poms

  64. Make spy disguises

  65. Use a mirror and draw a self portrait

  66. Potato printing

  67. Blow bubbles

  68. Toy car racing

  69. Paint pebbles

  70. Make a fairy house or super hero base

  71. Play I-Spy

  72. Make Paper aeroplanes

  73. Backyard bug hunt – turning over stones and looking under plant pots…

  74. Build the tallest tower you can

  75. Kitchen science experiments at home – online tutorials…

  76. Create your own secret code – and see if your family can decipher it…

  77. Have a pirate day – make eye patches and hats, pretend to walk the plank!

  78. Make a time capsule and bury it in your garden

  79. Design your own magazine or newspaper

  80. Paper weaving

  81. Write a Poem or Song

  82. Make mock-tails

  83. Plan and help make a meal

  84. Customise a bag or t-shirt

  85. Make Origami birds

  86. Play Charades

  87. Card games

  88. Pizza making

  89. Face painting

  90. Learn a new language

  91. Experiment with a new hairstyle

  92. Experiment with wearing different clothes

  93. Learn to sew

  94. Learn to knit 

  95. Design a new game

  96. Put on a fashion show at home!

  97. Have a Nerf gun battle

  98. Play football in the garden

  99. Invent a new sandwich filling

  100. Make ice lollies

  101. Make up a plot for a TV programme or film, write a script and pretend to film it.
